Why should you wear
Pearls on your
wedding day? |
What are Victorian Cake Pulls (Cake
Charms, Ribbon Pulls, Bridesmaid Charm Cakes)? |
Did you know
Queen Victoria and the Victorian era
started a lot of our wedding traditions? |
The Engagement Ring,
The Wedding
Band |
The Bridal Shower |
"Something Old, Something New,
Something Borrowed, Something Blue" |
The Wedding Gown,
The Veil |
Flowers |
The Day
of the Week and Month of the Year |
Guest Book |
During the Wedding
Ceremony: The Aisle Runner,
Left and Right Sides,
The Music, The
Father Giving Away the Bride, The
Kiss, The Unity Candle |
Best Man and Maid of Honor |
Wedding Bells |
During the Wedding
The Wedding Cake,
The Newlyweds,
The Bouquet and Garter Toss,
Jumping The
Broom |
Throwing Rice,
The Car |
Honeymoon |
and Symbols For Good Luck On Your Wedding Day |
New Orleans Wedding
Traditions |
Engagement Ring... |
engagement ring symbolizes the
promise of a future together. This promise is sealed with the
giving and accepting of a ring. |
Giving and receiving of the engagement
ring was a Roman 15th century tradition where a man gave his beloved
something valuable as a sign of his desire to marry her. If she
accepted his gift, it signified their pledge to be married and was a
legally binding transaction. She wore his ring - signifying she
was no longer available. |
The custom of proposing on one knee
goes back to the days of knighthood and chivalry when it was customary
for a knight to dip his knee in a show of servitude to his mistress. |
In medieval times, the groom usually
had to "pay" the family for the bride's had in marriage. Precious
stones were often included in this "payment" as a symbol of his intent
to marry her. |
In 860 the Roman Catholic pope
(Nicholas I) declared that an engagement ring was required of all those
who intended to marry. If either the man or woman later violated
the vow to marry, he/she was excommunicated to a nunnery. |
Diamonds are classic and
beautiful. The diamond has emerged as the sign of betrothal
because of its clarity and brilliance. Diamonds were once believed
to have protective properties - the light reflected from the bright
stones was thought to ward off evil spirits jealous of the couple's
happiness. A Diamond's brightness is a symbol of purity,
sincerity, and fidelity, and as one of the hardest substances in the
world. |
*Click here to see our Sterling
Silver Engagement Ring charms* |
The Bridal Shower... |
The first bridal shower was given to a
poor couple in Holland. They were denied the bridal dowry because
of the groom's lowly miller status. The bride's father disapproved
of the young man. The miller's friends showered the bride with
gifts to help them set up housekeeping. |
Today, bridal showers are for fun, to
strengthen friendships with the bride, give moral support and prepare
the bride for her new home. |
Wedding Band... |
wedding band dates back to 17th
century BC Egypt where wedding rings had a supernatural significance, a
never-ending band signified eternal love. The never-ending circle
of a wedding band symbolizes eternal love by its lack of a beginning and
an end. This tradition grew out of an ancient tribal custom of
using circlets of grass to decorate a bride's wrist and ankles. |
Wear your engagement ring in front of
your wedding band (the engagement ring is toward the fingernail and the
wedding band is toward the knuckle). Your engagement ring is the
"protector" of your wedding band. This is based on a medieval
Italian tradition of the diamond is created from the eternal flames of
love. |
The significance of wearing the ring
on the third finger of the left hand is the early belief that a vein
from that finger leads directly to the heart. A ring on this
finger expresses true love. Another possible explanation why we
wear our wedding rings on this finger is: during the 17th century in a
Christian wedding, the Priest arrived at the forth finger (counting the
thumb) after touching the three fingers on the left hand '...in the name
of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost'. |
Victorian wedding rings were in the
shape of a pansies or forget-me-nots, made of turquoise and diamonds.
Russian wedding rings (still popular today) are a combination of three
linked rings, each of a different color gold and believed to represent
the Holy Trinity. Elizabethans wore a version of this called the
Gimmal Ring. |
Since the 16th century, the Irish
Claddagh ring is used as a friendship ring, an engagement ring, or a
wedding ring. A heart (love) is surrounded by clasped hands for
friendship and a crown symbolizes eternity. Other antique styles
of rings include French love knots, clinging ivy, scrolls, or Celtic
knots. |
There is still a sense of superstition
bound to the wedding ring - it is a symbol of unity, signifying that
wherever you go alone - you will come back to each other again. |
Blessing the wedding
rings...the blessing honors the cycle of life and the
completeness of marriage - from sickness to health, want
to plenty, despair to joy, failure to possibility, and
loneliness to love. |
Carrying the wedding
rings on a cushion (the ring bearer pillow) is a
long-time Egyptian (as well as Roman) method of carrying
precious stones, silver and gold. Pillows are also used
in the carrying of the coronation crown to royalty. This
tradition has evolved as a symbolic way to prominently
present the most precious of gifts. |
*Check out our Wedding Rings* |
"Something Old, Something
New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and a Sixpence
in Your Shoe" |
This well known little
rhyme originated during Victorian times and is still
commonly practiced for good luck. Traditionally, the
"old" would have been the garter of a happily married
woman, with the thought being that her good fortune
would be passed down along with it. The "old" also
signifies the couple's friends will stay with them. The
"old" also symbolizes the bride's connection to her past
- a sense of family, continuity and tradition. |
The "new" looks to the future for the
couple - health, happiness, good fortune and success. |
"Something borrowed" is usually a much
valued item from the bride's family or a dear friend. It
symbolizes prosperity within the new union. Something borrowed
also reminds the bride that family and friends will always be there for
her. Just remember - it must be returned to ensure good fortune.
Borrow something from a happily married friend or family to wish your
married life will mirror the happiness in her marriage. |
"Something blue" comes from an ancient
Israeli tradition in which the bride wears a blue ribbon in her hair as
a symbol of her fidelity. Blue represents faithfulness, fidelity
and constancy. |
*Take a look at our
Something Blue
Pearl Anklet to wear on your wedding day* |
A silver sixpence in the bride's shoe
is to ensure wealth in the couple's life. It symbolizes the
promise of a lifetime of joy, a lifetime of good health, happiness,
wealth, fortune, and wedded bliss the newlywed couple. The
sixpence first became known as a lucky coin when introduced by king
Edward VI of England in 1551. It later became part of bridal
wedding traditions in the Victorian era. In 17th century England,
the sixpence was part of the bride's dowry gift to the groom. A
sixpence is a symbol of good luck. The sixpence coin is no longer
being minted nor in circulation - the last sixpence was minted under
Queen Elizabeth in 1967. |
Today, a good luck
penny is often substituted for the sixpence. |
The Wedding Gown... |
It is bad luck for the groom to see
the gown before the wedding day. |
It is bad luck for a bride to make her
own wedding gown. She should never try on her entire outfit before
the ceremony (leave something out - maybe even the very last stitch). |
"Married in White, you have chosen
Married in Grey, you will go far away,
Married in Black, you will wish yourself back,
Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,
Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,
Married in Blue, you will always be true,
Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,
Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,
Married in Brown, you will live in the town,
Married in Pink, you spirit will sink." |
The tradition for the bride to wear
white began in the beginning of the 16th century as a symbol of the
bride's purity and worthiness of her groom. In 1499, Anne of
Brittany wore a white wedding gown to marry Louis XII of France.
Prior to this, most bride wore yellow or red. |
Since the early Romans, white has
symbolized a joyful celebration. A white gown also symbolizes
purity. The tradition of the white wedding gown became solidified
during the time of Queen Victoria who
rebelled against the royal tradition for royal brides to wear silver.
She preferred the symbolism expressed by wearing white. |
In biblical times, a blue dress
symbolized purity. |
A green dress is thought to be unlucky
unless the bride is Irish. The old expression that a woman has a
"green gown" was used to imply promiscuity, the green meant she had been
rolling in grassy fields with other men. |
The Veil... |
One explanation is the
veil is a relic of the days when a groom would throw a
blanket over the head of the woman of his choice as he
captured her and carted her off. Another explanation is
during the times of arranged marriages, the bride's face
was covered until the groom was committed to her at the
ceremony. |
The Romans believed
jealous evil spirits would cast spells on brides on
their wedding days. Brides' faces were covered with
veils to ward off the devil and other evil spirits. The
veil also kept jealous suitors from glancing upon a
bride. |
In America the veil
became popular when Nelly Curtis married President
George Washington's aid, Major Lawrence Lewis.
Apparently he became so enamored of her after catching
sight of her through a lace curtain, she decided to wear
a veil on her wedding day. |
Flowers... |
The bride's bouquet - During Victorian
times, flowers took on additional significance as lovers would send
messages to each other using different flowers, each flower having its
own meaning. These associations were soon adopted for the bride's
bouquet and are still used today by many brides. |
Queen Victoria wed in 1840, her wedding
dress was embroidered with the plants of her realm - the Tudor rose of
England, the leek of Wales, the shamrock of Ireland and the thistle of
Scotland. She created an "age of flowers". Men wore rosebuds
tucked in their buttonholes. Women wore flowers in their hair,
tied them to their wrists or pinned them to their collars. They carried
them neatly bunched and tied with ribbons inserted in a posy holder. |
When the future Queen Mary was a bride
in 1873, she carried a "shower bouquet" better known today as the
cascading bouquet. By the late 1880's, loose bunches of one or two
kinds of long-stemmed flowers (better known as presentation bouquets)
were being carried. During ancient times, brides carried
strong-smelling herbs and spices to ward off evil spirits, ill health
and bad luck. |
The groom should wear a flower that is
part of the bridal bouquet. This comes from the Medieval tradition
of a Knight wearing his Lady's colors as a decoration of his love. |
Learn more about the language of flowers. |
The Mother's Flowers - a lovely
Belgian custom that joins the families together. The presentation
of roses by the bride and groom to their parents symbolizes their
affection and appreciation for the love which has brought them to this,
their wedding day. |
As the bride walks up the aisle, she
stops and hands her mother a flower. During the recessional, the
bride gives her mother-in-law a second flower. As the couple
prepares to walk down the aisle as man and wife, they can together
present roses to the bride's parents and then to the groom's parents -
uniting the families in this joyous celebration. |
Other ideas for rose presentations:
grandmothers, children, etc. |
A Flower-Strewn Path
by Flowergirls - is a lovely English tradition. A bride
and her bridesmaids would walk to the church on a path
strewn with flowers. It symbolized the wish for the
bride's path through life be like "a bed of roses", a
life of ease and grace with a sweet and plentiful
future. |
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*Read our Wedding Article
About Extending Your Wedding Flower Theme Into Your
Wedding Jewelry* |
Day of the Week and Month... |
Sunday used to be the most popular
wedding day because it was the one day most people were free from work.
Today, Saturday is the most popular wedding day (in spite of the rhyme:
"Monday is for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday best of all.
Thursday brings crosses, Friday brings losses; but Saturday, no luck at
all."). |
"Marry in Lent, live to Repent." (Lent
was a time for abstinence.) |
"Married when the year is new, he'll
be loving, kind and true.
When February birds do mate, you wed nor dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know.
Marry in April when you can, joy for Maiden and for Man.
Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day.
Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you will go.
Those who in July do wed, must labor for their daily bred.
Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.
Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.
When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last." |
Ancient Roams believed May was an
unlucky month to marry because this is the moth of the "Feast of the
Dead." |
Do you know why June has traditionally
been the most popular wedding month? |
During the 15th and 16th centuries,
May was the month in which the "annual bath" occurred. Yes, just
as it sounds, back then people were only able to bathe thoroughly once
each year. As such, the over-all population was smelling
relatively fresh in June, making it a good time to hold a special event
like a wedding! Furthermore, the month of June is named after the
goddess Juno, who was the Roman counterpart to Hera, the goddess of the
hearth and home, and patron of wives. |
The Aisle Runner... |
In ancient times,
Chinese brides were carried to their weddings so the
bride's feet would not touch the ground and come in
contact with the evil spirits that lurked in the ground.
Today, the aisle runner carries on that tradition (the
runner also helps to keep the bride's gown clean.) The
aisle runner also signifies a pure pathway into
happiness. |
Left and Right Sides... |
During the marriage
ceremony, the bride stands on the left and the groom on
the right. The origin of this goes back to the days when
a groom would capture his bride by kidnapping her. If
the groom had to fight off other men who also wanted her
as their bride, he would hold his bride-to-be with his
left hand allowing his right hand to be free to use his
sword. |
The bride's family and
guests sit on the left side of the church. The groom's
family and guests sit on the right side. |
The bride walks down
the aisle on the left arm of her father. This also has
old origins when men wore their swords on their right
side - the right side need to be free in case the men
needed to draw their swords and protect those around
them. |
The Best Man and Maid of Honor... |
It is the best man's
duty to protect the groom from bad luck. He must ensure
that once the groom begins his journey to the church, he
does not return for any reason. He must also arrange for
the groom to carry a small good luck charm in his pocket
on the wedding day. |
When the best man is paying the church
minister's fee, he should pay him an odd sum to bring luck to the
couple. |
Many centuries ago when a man decided
upon a wife, he often had to forcefully take her with him (or kidnap
her) if her family did not approve of him. The groom-to-be would
sometimes face resistance from her male family members or from competing
suitors. The groom would bring along his "best men" to help him
fight for the woman. |
While the Groom and his best men were
fighting for the bride, she was helped by a group of women to ensure she
would be "captured" by the man of her choice. |
Why does the wedding
party dress alike? |
This tradition was
started with the hope this would confuse evil spirits. |
*Wedding Party (Bridesmaid,
Maid of Honor, Flowergirl, etc.) Sterling Silver Charms* |
The Wedding March... |
In 1858, Victoria,
princess of Great Britain wed Prince Frederick William
of Prussia. Victoria selected the music for her royal
wedding. She was a patron of the arts and selected
Wagner's "Bridal Chorus" (from the 1848 opera
Lohnegrin) for her entrance - a majestic and
moderately paced masterpiece. She selected "Wedding
March" (from Mendelssohn's 1843 rendition of
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream) -
jubilant and upbeat for the newlyweds procession. |
Little did she know,
this was the beginning of a wedding tradition. |
Giving Away the Bride... |
The custom of a bride
being given away originated with the "sale" of the bride
by the father to the prospective groom. Today, the
tradition is considered a sign of the father entrusting
his beloved daughter to the care of her husband-to-be. |
The Kiss... |
Sealed with a kiss - a
sign of affection and a token of bonding. The bride and
groom claim each other as theirs forever. The kiss is a
symbol of the newlywed's faith, love and respect for
each other. This symbol grew from the practice of
kissing a lord's ring. In early Roman times, the kiss
represented a legal bond that sealed contracts. |
The Unity Candle... |
The unity candle is a
fairly new tradition. The bride's parents and the
groom's parents light separate smaller candles. The
flame from these candles light a single large candle by
the bride and groom. This gesture symbolizes the
individuality of the bride and groom that will stay in
tact, parallel with the union with each other during
their marriage - family unity. The bride and groom may
decide to extinguish the parent's taper candles (or they
can opt to leave them lit.) |
Wedding Bells... |
The tradition of
ringing the church bells as the couple emerge from the
church after the ceremony is to ensure their good
fortune. The sound of the bells is supposed to
drive away evil spirits. The sound of bells is
supposed to always remind the couple of their vows. |
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More Wedding
Traditions... |