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Are you looking for a specific charm?
Email us - we may have
it or can order it for you. |
Do you need a
sterling silver necklace chain for
your charm? |
Do you need a
sterling silver charm bracelet or a
charm holder for your charm? |
Sterling Silver Ladybug Charms: |
Traditional (New
Orleans) Charm Cake Meaning: Good Luck Will Soon Come Your Way |
Baby Shower Meaning: Your
Baby Will Be as Cute as a Bug in the Rug -or-
Game 3 |
Ladybug A $7.75 |
Ladybug B $5.50 |
Ladybug C
$14.75 |
3-D, approx. 1/2" x 5/16" |
Petite charm, approx.
7/16" x 1/4" |
3-D, red and black enamel, approx.
3/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Ladybug D $8.25 |
Ladybug E $9.50 |
Ladybug F $6 |
approx. 1/2" |
3-D |
Petite and cute, red and black enamel,
approx. 7/16" x 3/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Ladybug G $12.25 |
Ladybug H $12 |
Ladybug I $20.75 |
3-D, red and black enamel, approx.
1/2" x 3/8" |
3-D, red enamel, approx.
5/8" x 7/16" |
approx. 11/16" x 7/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Ladybug J $20.75 |
3-D, Thai Karen Hill Tribe fine silver
charm with green, orange/red, and black enameling - very rare for their
charms, approx. 11/16" x 1/2" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Lamb/Sheep Charms: |
Christian Charm Cake Meaning:
Worthy is The Lamb! |
Wedding Day Good Luck Meaning:
Click Here |
Tid-Bits of Wisdom and Smart Advice Charm
Cake Meaning: When You Can't Get to Sleep, Don't Count Sheep -
Talk to The Shepherd |
Baby Shower Meaning:
Game 1 -or-
Game 2 |
Lamb A $22.75 |
Lamb B $22 |
3-D, approx. 3/4" x 9/16"
x 1/4" |
Such a cute charm, approx.
3/4" x 9/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Lamb C
$14.50 |
Lamb D $12.25 |
3-D, approx. 1/2" x 5/8" |
Artist designed and
hand-crafted in the USA, small charm, 3-D, approx. 7/16" x 1/2" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
*Click here to see a Lion and Lamb sterling silver charm* |
Sterling Silver Lamp/Lantern Charms: |
Christian Charm Cake Meaning:
God is Light |
Christian Symbol Meaning:
Click Here |
Lamp/Lantern A $13.75 |
Lamp/Lantern B $31.25 |
3-D, approx. 11/16" x
7/16" |
Gorgeous charm, larger 3-D charm with a
crystal inside, approx. 1" tall x 7/16" round,
a nice size for
a necklace |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Lamp/Lantern C $14.25 |
Lamp/Lantern D $4 |
3-D, approx. 3/4" x 1/2" |
3-D petite charm, approx.
3/8" tall |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Las Vegas Charms: |
Las Vegas Wedding Charm Cake Meaning:
Your Life Will Be Filled With Good Times and Good
Friends |
Las Vegas
A $21.50 |
Las Vegas
B $17.25 |
Famous "Welcome to
Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada" sign, 3-D, same on both sides, approx. 5/8" x
15/16" |
approx. 9/16" x 11/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Las Vegas
C $28.50 |
Front side has famous
Vegas landmarks, back side has dice and says "Las Vegas - The Silver
City", antiqued, approx. 5/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Lawn Chair
Charm: |
Redneck Wedding Cake Charm Meaning:
You Will Always Be On the Front Row |
Lawn Chair
$24.50 |
3-S, approx. 15/16" tall,
5/8" wide, 5/8" thick,
a nice size for
a necklace |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Lighthouse Charms: |
Christmas Charm Cake Meaning:
Click Here |
Lighthouse A $6.50 |
Lighthouse B $6.50 |
3-D |
3-D |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Lighthouse C $5.50 |
Lighthouse D $9.50 |
3-D |
With lighthouse keeper's
house, diamond-cut accents |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Lily Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Have a Life of Splendor |
Christian Symbol Meaning:
Click Here |
Lily A $13.50 |
Lily B $13 |
Lily C $12 |
Orange and green enamel |
Plum and green enamel |
3-D, approx. 5/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Lily D $7 |
Lily E $6.75 |
Petite charm |
3-D handmade Thai Karen Hill Tribe fine silver charm, textured and
shiny, approx. 13/16" x 7/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
*Click here to see a Lily of
the Valley charm* |
We have
several hand-crafted sterling silver and freshwater pearl
Calla Lily
charms throughout our website... |
Calla Lily #1
Calla Lily #2
Calla Lily #3
Calla Lily #4
Calla Lily #5
Calla Lily #6 |
here to see other sterling silver Flower
charms* |
Sterling Silver Lion Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Have a Life Filled
With Confidence |
Christian Symbol Meaning:
Click Here |
Baby Shower Meaning:
Game 2 |
Lion A $8.25 |
Lion B $15.50 |

Lion C $14.25 |
3-D |
3-D, approx. 3/4" x 7/16"
x 3/16" |
3-D golden enamel |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |

Lion D - The Lion and the Lamb
$36 |
Lion E
$16.25 |
Lion F
$11.50 |
I adore this charm! 3-D,
approx. 13/16" x 11/16" x 3/8" |
3-D approx. 11/16" x 1/2" |
3-D, approx. 1/2" x 5/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Lips Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Have a Life Full of Hugs and Kisses |
Christian Charm Cake Meaning:
Speak With Love |
Tid-Bits of Wisdom and Smart Advice Charm
Cake Meaning: Always Kiss Your Husband Goodnight |
Lips A
$11.25 |
Lips B $8 |
Red enamel |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
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