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sterling silver charm bracelet or a
charm holder for your charm? |
Sterling Silver Hedgehog Charm |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Have a Life of Good Luck |
$13.75 |
3-D, approx. 11/16" x
7/16" x 5/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Helicopter
Charms: |
Las Vegas Wedding Charm Cake Meaning:
You Will Have a Life Filled With Fun and
Excitement |
A $21 |
B $17.75 |
Cool charm!, 3-D, approx.
1" long, 9/16" tall, 3/8" wide |
approx. 1" x 9/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Hillbilly
Charms: |
Redneck Wedding Charm Cake Meaning: Your Family Will Always Be Close In
Your Heart And Miles Down The Road |
Hillbilly A - Man $11.50 |
Hillbilly B - Woman $22.75 |
approx. 7/8" x 3/8", he is holding a gun and brown jug |
approx. 3/4" x 7/16". she is holding a butter churn and smoking a pipe |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Holy Bible Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Have a Peaceful and Spiritual Life |
Christian Charm Cake Meaning:
I Will Let God's Word Guide Me |
Single Ladies Charm Cake Meaning:
Your Future Husband Will Be a Very Spiritual Man |
Holy Bible A $11 |
Holy Bible B $13.75 |
Holy Bible C $11.25 |
3-D open Bible with ribbon
- there is a Cross at the bottom of the ribbon, says "Holy Bible" on
outside, approx. 9/16" x 7/16" |
3-D with Cross on one side
and dove on other side, approx. 1/2" by 3/8" |
3-D, approx. 1/2" by 3/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Holy Bible D $18.25 |

Holy Bible E $22.25 |
Blue enamel with white
Cross |
Front - church window and says Holy Bible; open - Angel kneeling at Baby
Jesus in the manger; back - Angel; approx. 9/16" x 1/2" x 1/4" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Home Sweet Home Charm: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Have a Happy Home |
Home Sweet Home $15.75 |
approx. 3/4" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Hope Chest Charm: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Are the Next to be Married |
Single Ladies Charm Cake Meaning:
Yes, You Will Marry the Perfect Man |
Hope Chest $21 |
3-D, opens, approx. 5/16" x 1/2" x 1/4" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Horse Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You
Will Live a Life of Grace and Elegance |
Baby Shower Charm Cake Meaning:
Game 2 |
Horse A $29.50 |
Horse B $10.50 |
3-D galloping, approx.
7/8" x 5/8" |
3-D, approx. 11/16" x 5/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Horse C $8.50 |
Horse D $9.50 |
Horse head, approx. 11/16"
x 1/2" |
Colt, approx. 13/16" x
9/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Are you looking for an
equestrian charm or jewelry and do not see what you want? Email
Rhonda - she has several horse and equestrian jewelry pieces she can get
for you. |
Sterling Silver Horse's Rear End Charm: |
Single Ladies Charm Cake Meaning:
Your Future Husband Will Be Wonderful...But Not Always Easy To Get Along
With |
Horse's Rear End $10 |
approx. 13/16" x 3/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Horse and Carriage Charms: |
Traditional (New
Orleans) Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Have a Life of Romance |
Horse and Carriage A - this charm has been
discontinued |
Horse and Carriage B - this charm has been discontinued |

Horse and Carriage C $20 |
3-D open surrey, approx. 7/8" long x 3/8" high x 1/4" wide |
How cheap can I get this charm? |

Horse and Carriage D
$23 |

Horse and Carriage E $11.50 |

Horse and Carriage F $29.50 |
3-D, approx. 15/16" long, 1/4" wide, 9/16" tall |
3-D, approx. 13/16" x 1/2" x 1/4" |
3-D, approx. 15/16" long x 9/16" tall x 1/4" wide |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |

Horse and Carriage G
$22.50 |
3-D, approx. 7/8" long, 5/8" tall, 5/16" wide |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
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Date of Last Update:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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