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sterling silver charm bracelet or a
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Sterling Silver Gold Mining Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: Your Life Will Be Filled With
Miracles |
Gold Mining A $12 |
Gold Mining B $18.75 |
3-D gold miner panning
gold, approx. 9/16" x 7/16" x 5/16" |
3-D gold prospector with
donkey, approx. 7/8" long, 11/16" tall, 5/16" wide |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Gold Mining C $7.50 |
Gold Mining D $36 |
3-D gold pan, approx.
9/16" |
3-D miner panning gold,
approx. 11/16" x 7/16" x 9/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Golf Charms: |
Single Ladies Charm Cake Meaning:
Sorry, You Will Be a Golf Widow |
Golf Cart A $8.75 |
Golf Cart B $13.75 |
Golf 18th Hole $7 |
3-D, approx. 5/8" x 3/8" x 3/8" |
3-D, approx. 1/2" |
approx. 3/4" x 1/2" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Golf Cleat $4.50 |
Golf Ball and Tee A $11 |
Golf Ball and Tee B $6 |
3-D |
3-D, approx. 13/16" tall |
3-D, approx. 5/8" tall |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Golf Club $4 |
3-D |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Gondola Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Have a Life Filled
With Romantic Vacations |
Gondola A $12.25 |
Gondola B $8.75 |
3-D, approx. 13/16" x 1/2" |
approx. 7/8" x 1/2" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
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Sterling Silver Graduation Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Have a Life of Wisdom |
Tid-Bits of Wisdom and Smart Advice Charm
Cake Meaning: Become a Life-Long Learner |
Graduation Cap A $11 |
Graduation Cap B $18.75 |

Graduation Cap C - Graduation Cap and Diploma
$9.25 |
3-D, approx. 13/16" x 3/4"
x 1/4" |
3-D black enamel |
approx. 3/4" x 11/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |

Graduation Cap D - Graduation Cap and Diploma $12 |
Graduation Diploma A $7.50 |
Graduation Diploma B $12.25 |
3-D, approx. 3/4" x 9/16" |
3-D, approx. 13/16" x 3/8" |
3-D |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Graduation Class Ring $8.50 |
Graduation Tassel $10 |

Graduation Girl $12 |
3-D |
3-D |
3-D, approx. 15/16" x 3/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Grandfather Clock Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Live a Long Enjoyable
Life |
Tid-Bits of Wisdom and Smart Advice Charm
Cake Meaning: We Do Not Remember Days, We Remember Moments |
Grandfather Clock A $10.25 |
Grandfather Clock B $17.25 |
approx. 7/8" tall |
3-D larger charm that
a nice size for
a necklace |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Sterling Silver Grapes Charms: |
Christian Symbol Meaning:
Click Here |
Happy Marriage Charm Cake Meaning:
May Generosity Flow To and From Your Home |
Grapes A $17 |
Grapes B $5 |
Grapes C $16.25 |
3-D, nice detail, approx.
11/16" x 7/16" |
approx. 5/8" x 3/8" |
3-D purple enamel |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Grapes D $17 |
Grapes E $6.50 |
Says "goodness" on the
back, approx. 7/8" x 1/2" |
approx. 9/16" x 3/8" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
here to see more sterling silver Fruit
charms* |
Sterling Silver Gymnast/Gymnastics Charms: |
Traditional Charm Cake Meaning: You Will Have a Life of
Opportunity |
Gymnast A - Balance Beam $10 |
Gymnast B - Pummel Horse $11 |
Gymnast C - Uneven Parallel Bars $10.25 |
3-D, approx. 7/8" x 1/2" |
3-D, approx. 1" x 5/16" x
5/16" |
3-D, approx. 9/16" x 1/2"
x 7/16" |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
How cheap can I get this charm? |
Gymnast D - Floor Exercise $10 |
Gymnast E
- Pummel Horse $12.75 |
3-D, approx. 15/16" x 5/8" |
3-D, approx. 5/8" |
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How cheap can I get this charm? |
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